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Compliance policy

1. Definition and purpose of the Compliance Policy

The Compliance Policy is the set of action criteria and mechanisms that the company TAXI TRAVEL TICKET, S.L.U. (hereinafter referred to as “TAXI TRAVEL” or “The Company”) has especially designed with the aim of achieving within the organisation the highest possible level of regulatory compliance in the area of criminal law and, furthermore, the highest level of regulatory compliance in other relevant aspects of the The Company’s operation.

The purpose of the Compliance Policy is to prevent the commission of any kind of crime within the Company, as well as in its relationships with external partners, suppliers and/or third parties and, especially, those that may entail criminal liability for the Company, therefore this implies having the necessary protocols and codes of action in place, and these must be known and observed by all employees of the organisation.

2. Scope of the Compliance Policy

The Compliance Policy is a Strategic Objective of the Company. It is considered as one of its goals, it involves the entire organisation and permeates through all its actions.

It should therefore be known and applied by all its members, from the management body, senior and middle management, employees at all levels and external partners. They will all be informed of this Policy and must agree in writing to observe, comply with and implement it. Furthermore, The Company will actively encourage any third parties that act with it in the scope of its activity comply with the same principles of regulatory compliance that govern TAXI TRAVEL’s Compliance Policy.

This Policy shall apply to all of the Company’s activities and to both the direct and indirect exercise thereof, in any territorial area and in all of its headquarters, centres or branches, whether national or international, both in its internal processes and in those that are outsourced.

TAXI TRAVEL TICKET SLU has a Code of Good Governance which sets out the principles of action in both its internal and external activities, which binds the entire organisation, including the Board of Directors, managers, employees and partners.

3. Principles of the Compliance Policy

3.1 Commitment to the aims of TAXI TRAVEL and to the common good.

3.2 Commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

3.3 Socio-economic interests and accountability.

3.4 Transparency.

3.5 Responsible resource management.

3.6 Respect for the law.

3.7 Prevent corrupt behaviour and conflicts of interest.

3.8 Equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

3.9 Respect and dignified treatment of employees and third parties.

3.10 Internal and external care.

4. Principle of rigour for non-compliance

Any non-compliance with the Compliance Policy, its principles and/or the protocols, codes or practices whose observance derives from the content of the Criminal Compliance Programme will be subject to the corresponding investigation, correction and, where appropriate, sanction actions.

In the event of non-compliance by employees of the Company, the applicable labour legislation and the Collective Bargaining Agreement shall apply with regard to the disciplinary regime and the appropriate sanctions.

When non-compliance occurs by external partners or any third parties acting with the Company, the latter will adopt the contractual sanctions or penalties legally available to it, including early termination of contracts and non-renewal of contracts.

In observance of this principle of rigour, TAXI TRAVEL has a Corporate Integrity Policy document and an “ETHICAL CHANNEL” procedure for reporting possible irregularities, including potentially criminal ones, through which any concerned party must and can inform the Company of any irregularities or non-compliance of which they may become aware:

Members of The Company are especially obliged to report possible irregularities and breaches through the “ETHICS CHANNEL” in accordance with the provisions of the Integrity Policy document.

Validity of the Compliance Policy

This Compliance Policy has been approved by the management body of TAXI TRAVEL on 16 September 2022 and will be maintained until such time as it is revised or modified in accordance with the provisions of section 7.